Kaca Akustik (Acoustic Glass)

Kaca Akustik (Acoustic Glass)

Mengurangi kebisingan luar untuk berkendara yang lebih santai dan terkonsentrasi.

Lembar interlayer plastik akustik digunakan untuk melaminasi dua potong kaca, menciptakan struktur yang lebih kuat yang lebih sulit untuk dihancurkan. Interlayer plastik meningkatkan performa akustik dan secara signifikan mengurangi kebisingan luar untuk berkendara yang lebih santai dan terkonsentrasi.

Fitur dan Manfaat

Allow Thinner Glass

Allow Thinner Glass
The Windshield can be thinner without adversely affecting noise levels.

Intusion Resistance

Intrusion Resistance
Efficient against break-ins: slows down intrusion attempts (typically by more than 10 minutes)

Material Protection

Material Protection
Prevents the dashboard, textiles, and leather seats in the car's interior from color fading.

Quiet Drive

Quite drive for optimum EV Experience
The amount of traffic and ambient noise will significantly be reduced, but leaves audible loud exterior noises that are important for safety (such as horns and sirens).

Safer Glass

Safer Glass
Safer in the event of accidents: Keeps dangerous glass shards from being propelled inside the vehicle.

  Lingkup Aplikasi

Rear Window
Side Window

Scope: Windshield, Side Windows (front door only) and Roof


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