About TAS

Technical Advisory Services (TAS)

Technical Support for Façade Glass

After handling and processing the façade glass professionally by a team of experts for ACP (Asahimas Certified Processors), Asahimas continued to give full dedication in maintaining the quality of the glass from pre-installation to cleaning and maintenance.

Prioritizing the behavior of handling glass properly is an appropriate action taken to familiarize yourself. Especially for coating glass exposed to the surrounding environment is our priority in terms of field education.

We also provide technical guidance documents that can be used to maintain the quality and beauty of Asahimas façade glass. Please contact Asahimas official telephone number for detailed and complete façade glass technical guidance document

Technical Support for Interior Glass

By prioritizing the aesthetics of interior glass decoration, Asahimas TAS provides Technical Support to Asahimas decorative glass loyal customers. Starting from the arrival of the glass, we are able to help provide education & training about handling, storage, processing, installation, cleaning, and maintenance.

We also provide technical guidance documents that can be used to maintain the quality and beauty of Asahimas decorative glass. Please contact Asahimas official phone number to get detail and complete technical guidance documents.