Sustainable Buildings

Green Building in Asia Pacific

Green Buildings in Asia Pacific

Zero Energy Buildings for the Asia Pacific Built Environment

In response to the growing urgency, there has been a collective effort to reduce carbon output in buildings at a global level, aligned with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. Most of ASEAN Member States have set national energy efficiency targets with a regional target of energy reduction of 30% by 2025. By improving the energy efficiency of buildings and the products used, we can contribute to total ASEAN energy consumption and help to attain long-term objectives. On a national level, more countries are also introducing legislation and building energy codes. These policies have a trickledown effect and have created an increased demand for green / net zero energy buildings in the region with an increasing number of projects and companies advancing towards net zero energy.

Green / Net zero energy buildings not only provide a wide range of environmental benefits such as reducing resource consumption, waste production and greenhouse gas emissions, it also has economic benefits such as lower operation costs and better asset value. Occupants may also benefit from increased workplace productivity and indoor air quality. These benefits can often be achieved through adhering to the various standards, rating systems and certification systems governing green / zero energy buildings.

While more green / zero energy buildings are being constructed, attention should also be paid towards improving the energy efficiency of existing buildings. It is estimated that 60-80% of buildings that will exist in 2050 have already been built today. It is therefore vital for existing buildings to undergo decarbonisation towards being net zero carbon for the industry to be able to hit its emissions reduction target. On top of legislation, many governments have also created incentives to help with the cost of retrofitting buildings with greener solutions. By making buildings more energy efficient, it will not only help in the fight against climate change but also lower energy cost and increase energy security.

Guoco Tower, Singapore | Stopray Titanium 37T and Stopsol Supersilver Clear LEED Platinum certified and BCA Green Mark Platinum certified