Global Environmental Footprint

EPD and Life Cycle Analysis

EPD and Life Cycle Analysis

Environmental Product Declaration


In 2009, AGC began its journey for EPD for glass in Europe. Currently, AGC has managed to extend coverage to Asia manufactured glass. AGC Glass Asia Pacific is the first glassmaker to publish EPD covering products manufactured in Asia.

AGC’s glass businesses prepare EPDs for glass according to the type III environmental declaration that is compliant with the ISO 14025 standard. The EPDs are both third-party verified and registered documents communicating comparable environmental information based on dedicated data collection from all our plants, reflecting our exact processes and environmental performance.

An EPD document helps us understand the environmental impact our glazing activities have and presents it in a readable format. It can also serve as supporting evidence to governments and green building schemes for building assessments and green certifications. Green building schemes award credits for building projects that use products that are EPD certified. Products that fulfil environmental requirements can contribute to earning points for projects.

Download our EPD documents to understand the environmental impact of our glazing activities

EPD - AGC Clear and Tinted Glass
EPD - AGC Pyrolyctic Coated Glass
EPD - AGC Magnetron Coated Glass
EPD for Glass

Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) by AGC