Dec 17, 2018
Notice Regarding the Existence of Incorrect Information
The Board of Directors of PT Asahimas Flat Glass Tbk ("Asahimas"), hereby informs stakeholders, business relations and the public that in connection with the existence of INCORRECT INFORMATION circulating in the community that Asahimas and PT BLS have a business relationship or collaboration in the Construction of a Glass Factory and Warehousing at Kaliangsana Kalijati, Subang, West Java.
We hereby emphasize that Asahimas has no business relationship or cooperation in any form with PT BLS to build a glass factory and warehouse in Kaliangsana Kalijati Subang-West Java or in any other location.
In connection with the above, the Asahimas Directors hereby ask stakeholders, business relations and the public to be careful in receiving information and offers of cooperation submitted/offered by irresponsible parties.
For further information regarding the above, stakeholders, business relations and the public can contact Asahimas Corporate Affairs at telephone number: 021-6904041 or via email to: Thus we convey this notification, we thank you for your attention.
Jakarta, 17 Desember 2018
PT Asahimas Flat Glass Tbk
Board of Director