Board of Directors


Board of Directors

PT Asahimas Flat Glass Tbk Board of Directors, as appointed in Asahimas' Annual General Meeting of Shareholders on June, 22 2023

Mampei Chiyoda

Mampei Chiyoda

President Director

Japanese Citizen, 60 years old, born in Tokyo, Japan in 1964. Graduated from the Economics Faculty of Tohoku University in 1986.

Career History
Joined AGC in 1986. He served as Director of the Company from 2010 until 2013 and as President Director from 2013 until 2016. The legal basis for his initial appointment as the President Director in 2022 is based on the AGMS decision dated June 16, 2022 replacing Shinichi Minagawa. He has no concurrent position as a member of the Board of Commissioners/Board of Directors/Committee at other public listed companies. He concurrently holds a position as member of the Company’s Risk Management and Insurance Committee as well as the Discipline and Compliance Committee.

He has an affiliation relationship with the shareholder of the Company, namely as an employee of AGC which is also one of the major shareholders of the Company.

Duties and Responsibilities
As the President Director, he is responsible to lead and coordinate activities and duties of the Board of Directors in general.

Mohamad Amien

Mohamad Amien

Vice President Director

Indonesian Citizen, 58 years old, born in Pagar Alam, South Sumatera, in 1966. Graduated from Electrical Engineering Faculty of Trisakti University in 1990.

Career History
Joined the Company from 1990 until now. The legal basis for his initial appointment as the Vice President Director is based on the AGMS resolution dated June 22, 2023 replacing E. David Satria Soetedja. He has no concurrent position as a member of the Board of Commissioners/Board of Directors/Committee at other public listed companies. He concurrently holds position as member of the Company’s Risk Management and Insurance Committee as well as the Discipline and Compliance Committee.

He has no affiliation relationships with any member of the Board of Directors or the Board of Commissioners, or the shareholders.

Duties and Responsibilities
As Vice President Director, he is responsible for helping to manage the activities and duties of the Board of Directors in general.

Yo Nakahara

Yo Nakahara


Japanese citizen, 54 years old, born in Tokyo, Japan in 1970. Graduated from School of Engineering at Kyoto University, Japan in 1995.

Career History
Joined AGC from 1995 until now. The legal basis for his initial appointment as Director is based on the AGMS decision dated June 17, 2021. He has no concurrent position as a member of the Board of Commissioners/Board of Directors/Committee at other public listed companies. He concurrently holds a position as member of the Company’s Risk Management and Insurance Committee as well as the Discipline and Compliance Committee.

He has an affiliation relationship with the Company’s shareholders as an employee of AGC which is also one of the Company’s major shareholders.

Duties and Responsibilities
As the Director, he is responsible for managing all the activities of the Flat Glass Business Unit located in Cikampek and Sidoarjo.

Takashi Nekoda

Takashi Nekoda


Japanese Citizen, 53 years old, born in Fukuoka Pref., Japan in 1971. Graduated from the National Institute of Technology, Kitakyushu College (Chemical Engineering Course) in 1992.

Career History
Joined AGC since 1992 until now and has experience in the production of automotive glass in the AGC Group. Since 2020-2022, he has served as the Production Manager of automotive glass at AGC Group. The legal basis for his initial appointment as the Director is based on the AGMS decision dated June 16, 2022 replacing Satoru Shimada. He has no concurrent position as a member of the Board of Commissioners/Board of Directors/Committee at other public listed companies. He concurrently holds a position as the member of the Company’s Risk Management and Insurance Committee as well as the Discipline and Compliance Committee.

He has an affiliation relationship with the shareholder of the Company, namely as an employee of AGC, which is also one of the major shareholders of the Company.

Duties and Responsibilities
As the Director, he is responsible to manage and oversee all activities of the Automotive Glass Business Unit located in Cikampek.

Takashi Nekoda

Samuel Nugroho Setyono


Indonesian citizen, 56 years old, born in Bandung, in 1968. Graduated from Satya Wacana Christian University, Faculty of Economics majoring in Marketing in 1990.

Career History
Joined the Company from 1999 until now. The legal basis for initial appointment as Director is based on the AGMS resolution on June 17, 2021. He has no concurrent position as member of the Board of Commissioners/Board of Directors/Committee at other Public Listed Companies. He concurrently holds a position as a member of the Company’s Risk Management and Insurance Committee and the Discipline and Compliance Committee.

He has no affi liation relationships with any member of the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners, or with any shareholder.

Duties and Responsibilities
As Director, he also serves as an Assistant Managing Director for Automotive Glass, and he is responsible for managing and overseeing Automotive Glass activities in Cikampek. Aside from that, he is also responsible for quality assurance in the Automotive Glass business unit and Corporate HRD and Administration.

Kiichiro Yoshizawao

Kiichiro Yoshizawa


Japanese citizen, 55 years old, born in Tokyo, Japan in 1969. Completed education at Keio University (Bachelor of Engineering) in 1993.

Career History
Joined AGC from 1993 until now and has experience in the fi eld of Production Planning & Logistics. Since 2016-2022 he has served as Manager of Production Control Group, Production Management Div. Automotive Company at AGC Inc. The legal basis for his initial appointment as Director is based on the AGMS decision dated June 16, 2022 replacing Shuichi Hayashi. He has no concurrent position as member of the Board of Commissioners/Board of Directors/Committee at other Public Listed Companies. He concurrently holds a position as member of the Company’s Risk Management and Insurance Committee and the Discipline and Compliance Committee.

He has an affiliation relationship with the Company’s shareholder as an employee of AGC which is also one of the Company’s major shareholders.

Duties and Responsibilities
As the Director, he is responsible for managing purchasing & logistics activities.

Teguh Ari Widodo

Teguh Ari Widodo


Indonesian citizen, 53 years old, born in Tulungagung in 1971. Completed his education at the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) majoring in Chemical Engineering in 1995.

Career History
Joined the Company since 1996, has extensive experience in the fl at glass production unit in the Company. Served as Factory Manager of the fl at glass factory at Sidoarjo in 2018-2019. The legal basis for his initial appointment as the Director is based on the AGMS decision dated June 16, 2022 replacing Ferry Susanto. He has no concurrent position as a member of the Board of Commissioners/Board of Directors/Committee at other Public Listed companies. He concurrently holds a position as member of the Risk Management and Insurance Committee and the Company’s Discipline and Compliance Committee.

He does not have any affi liations with any members of the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners, nor with any shareholder.

Duties and Responsibilities
As the Director, he is responsible for managing and overseeing the production activity of Flat Glass Business Unit in Sidoarjo and responsible for the activities in the scope of Corporate Engineering.

Kazuhiro Onogawa

Kazuhiro Onogawa


Japanese Citizen, 50 years old, born in Tokyo, Japan in 1974. Completed his education at Hitotsubashi University, in 1998.

Career History
Joined AGC from 1998 until now. The legal basis for his initial appointment as the Director of the Company is based on the AGMS resolution dated June 22, 2023. He concurrently holds a position as a member of the Risk Management and Insurance Committee and the Company’s Discipline and Compliance Committee.

He has an affiliation with the Company’s shareholder as an employee of AGC which is also one of the Company’s major shareholders.

Duties and Responsibilities
As the Director, he is responsible for managing and overseeing the Company’s fi nancial activities.




Indonesian citizen, 52 years old, born in Belgium in 1972. Completed his education at Tarumanagara University in Jakarta in 1995.

Career History
Joined the Company from 1999 until now. The legal basis for his initial appointment as the Director is based on the AGMS decision dated June 22, 2023. He has no concurrent position as a member of the Board of Commissioners/Board of Directors/Committee at other Public Listed companies. He concurrently holds a position as a member of the Risk Management and Insurance Committee and the Company’s Discipline and Compliance Committee.

He does not have any affi liation with any member of the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners, nor with any shareholder.

Duties and Responsibilities
As the Director, he is responsible for managing and overseeing the Corporate Aff airs activity and MIS.


Bambang Widyawardhana Maulana


Indonesian citizen, 51 years old, born in Jakarta in 1973. Completed his education at the National Institute of Science and Technology (ISTN) majoring in Mechanical Engineering in 1996 and obtained his Master of Technology Management degree at the Sepuluh Nopember Institute (ITS) Surabaya in 2022.

Career History
Joined the Company since 1996, has extensive experience in the fl at glass production unit of the Company. Served as Factory Manager of the fl at glass factory in 2019-2022. The legal basis for his initial appointment as the Director is based on the AGMS decision dated June 22. He has no concurrent position as a member of the Board of Commissioners/Board of Directors/Committee at other Public Listed companies. He concurrently holds a position as a member of the Risk Management and Insurance Commitee and the Company’s Discipline and Compliance Committee.

He does not have any affi liation with any member of the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners, nor with any shareholder.

Duties and Responsibilities

Kazuo Ninomiya

Kazuo Ninomiya


Japanese Citizen, 55 years old, born in Fukuoka, Japan in 1969. Completed his education at Sophia University, Tokyo, Japan in 1993.

Career History
Joined AGC from 1993 until now. The legal basis for his initial appointment as the Director is based on the AGMS decision dated June 9, 2017. He has no concurrent position as a member of the Board of Commissioners/Board of Directors/Committee at other Public Listed companies. He concurrently holds a position as the member of the Risk Management and Insurance Committee and the Company’s Discipline and Compliance Committee.

He has an affiliation with the Company’s shareholder as an employee of AGC which is also one of the Company’s major shareholders.

Duties and Responsibilities
As the Director, he is responsible for bridging the interests of the main shareholders, namely, AGC with the Company.