Corporate Governance
GCG Guideline / Charter
The application of good corporate governance principles is an important part of company's long-term success. A company that is managed in a healthy manner will be able to compete within the industry and be able to withstand various challenges and difficulties along the way. Finally, it will raise and maximize the company's reputation and value in the eyes of business partners, such as investors, shareholders, suppliers, customers to the public.
Company's daily operations and activities must be based on a good corporate governance policies and guidelines. Theses guidelines are designed to support, direct and supervise so that all operational activities of the company can be directed, and meet the industry best practices. With disciplined and consistent implementation, and continuously reviewed, these guidelines will become the best performance standard for the company. Then, it will becomes a culture in the company.
All personnel within the company (and its subsidiaries) are required to implement these governance guidelines. The implementation of corporate governance will be overseen by the Board of Commissioners through its supporting committees.
Herein listed Charter of the Board of Commissioner of PT. Asahimas Flat Glass Tbk. dated 16 May 2016. This charter regulate matters such as the legal basis, members, term of office, task and authorities, termination of office, and other matters that relate to the board of commissioners.
Charter of the Board of Commissioner Download
Herein listed Charter of the Board of Directors of PT. Asahimas Flat Glass Tbk. dated 16 May 2016. This charter regulate matters such as the legal basis, members, term of office, task and authorities, termination of office, and other matters that relate to the board of directors.
Charter of the Board of Directors Download
Herein listed Charter of Audit Committee of PT. Asahimas Flat Glass Tbk. dated May 4, 2016. This charter regulate matters such as the legal basis, definition, member structure, term of office, task and authorities, and other matters that relate to Audit Committee.
Charter of the Audit Committee Download
Herein listed Charter of Nomination & Remuneration Committee of PT. Asahimas Flat Glass Tbk. This charter regulate matters such as the legal basis, member structure, reporting system, task and authorities, and other matters that relate to Nomination and Renumeration Committee.
Charter of Nomination & Renumeration Committee Download
Herein listed Charter of Audit Committee of PT. Asahimas Flat Glass Tbk. This charter regulate matters such as the legal basis, member structure, task and authorities, and other matters that relate to Internal Audit.
Internal Audit Charter Download
The Group Code of Conduct ("GCoC") is the refelction of our shared value "INTEGRITY" in the AGC Group Vision "Look Beyond". It sets forth requirements for all AGC companies and employees to assure that their business conduct is consistent with laws, AGC companies policies, including company rules, and business ethics.
The Group Code of Conduct (GCoC) Download