
Company Ownership Structure


1. AGC Inc.

As shareholder of 43.86% shares of the Company, AGC's address is 1-5-1 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8405 Japan. AGC is a public company, which was listed at the Tokyo and Osaka Stock Exchange. Established in 1907, the Company has developed into the most prominent multinational glass producer in the world market for building glass, automotive glass, display glass and other related products. Currently aside from glass industry, AGC Group is also involved in fluorine chemical, electronics and energy development industries. With a vast global network, AGC Group heads 216 subsidiaries and 44 affiliated companies spread out in 27 countries, with total employees of up to 47,600 persons.

2. PT Rodamas

As shareholder of 40.97% shares. PT Rodamas' address is Jalan Let. Jend. S. Parman Kav 32-34, Slipi, Jakarta 11480, Indonesia. Established in 1955, PT Rodamas, has been engaged in various lines of business in Indonesia with a focus in the manufacturing
industry and the distribution of industrial and consumer products. Rodamas Group controls a vast and important marketing network, spread all over the country, covering various fields, such as: consumer products, building materials, chemical products, packaging and diamond coated tools. The Company's employees more than 12,000 persons.

3. Public

The rest is held by public, consisting of legal entities and Individuals, as well as local and foreign.

JUNI 2024


Jl. Ancol IX/5 Ancol Barat, Jakarta 14430, Indonesia.
Phone: 021-6904041 (8 lines)
Fax: 021-6918709, 69000470


If you aware about the action which has been done by someone related to the Company.
Phone : 021-80511628
SMS/WA : 082122263873
Fax: 021-80511629
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